Dwell: earth day special - mother's garden
My mother's garden is thriving and sprouting in my sister's enormous backyard. Today could not have been a better day to share a part of her garden with you all. Do something this earth day like planting or starting a recycle bin. The images start off with the lemon tree. This tree would only bloom with no fruit for years but mother's relentless efforts have yielded great results!
Look how healthy it looks! On the other hand, my lemon tree is not doing well at all. I tried a new plant food and it resulted in wilted leaves and brown branches. Now I am just watering and hoping for the best.
Her mint is overtaking this little corner space by the fence!
We had bought spinach from the Asian market one day and the stems of the spinach were so thick that she instantly placed one in water to grow roots. These plants are from those stems!
Enormous marigolds guard the front entrance.
She bought hydrangeas with my sister on their way back from a trip in Houston.

My sister loves to cook with herbs. Here is the herb section.
Tiny little tomato on a tiny little plant.
These are super hot chilis!
Turnip blooms.
This is her neem plant.
And this is mango!
Guava tree is in bloom as well.
Lots and lots of little grapefruits are peaking their head out into the world.
Mother's enormous fig tree. This one is over a year old. We have enjoyed fresh figs last year from this tree.
Pears are growing everyday.
Apricot blooms are so beautiful. Look at the fruit in the image below.
Here little peaches. She also has many more fruits, vegetables and leafy greens growing. You will get to see more and more of them when I go harvest picking in my sister's backyard. Happy Earth Day!
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