Food: thai soup

My husband and I have been trying to perfect this soup recipe for a long time now. The way I have shown here is the quickest and tastes pretty close to the real thing! My husband, of course has a lengthy process I might share later. He likes to take his time in the kitchen (oh, I am not complaining!). 

Your ingredients:
1 cup raw shrimp shelled  :: 1 cup diced chicken meat (either raw or cooked) 
2 cups of mushrooms sliced :: 1 tomato diced :: 1/2 onion chopped :: 1 tsp fish sauce
1 tsp grated garlic :: 1 tsp grated ginger or galangal ::  2 tsp red curry paste
1 tsp red chili powder :: lemongrass chopped :: lime leaves 
1 can vegetable broth :: salt/sugar/lime juice

Mix the shrimp and the chicken with the garlic and the ginger and get aside while you prepare the other ingredients.  

Prepare these three vegetables and keep aside so you can toss them into the soup together.

Heat oil in the pan and toss in the shrimp and chicken marinate along with the red curry paste.

Fry everything together along with the red chili powder. You can adjust this according to how much spice you can take. Fry until the shrimp and chicken catch nice color. 

At this time, toss in the mushrooms, tomatoes, and onions. Oh, don't forget salt and a pinch of sugar. 

Fry everything together till the vegetable is coated with all the spices. Then add the can of vegetable broth and the fish sauce. 

Once the broth starts boiling, throw in the lemongrass and the lime leaves. Cover and let it simmer. Taste it before your serve and also sprinkle lime juice for that extra tang. If you want the coconut milk version, then add it with the broth. 


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